Research by Prof Dr Es Rajendran

I have read the book NANODYNAMICS written by Dr E S Rajendran, the dean of Vinayaka Mission’s Homeopathic Medical College, Salem, Tamil Nādu, India. This book is an outcome of his several years thinking, research and scientific study, which was completed with the technical support of experts in Nanotechnology from various popular institutions in India, done with the help of sophisticated machines. He did the study with the support of Indian Institute of Science (IISC) Bangalore, International Centre for Nanotechnology, MG university, Kottayam and NIT Calicut.
He did this by sparing his valuable time, also by spending a lot from his pocket. His study is really a boon to the homeopathic fraternity; because, till date we have seen many books that theoretically explain the mode of action and properties of our homeopathic potencies. But here, he practically demonstrates the real nature of homeopathic medicines, and says with full confidence that Homeopathy is nothing but nanomedicine.
The common statement by the critics of homeopathy is there is nothing in homeopathic medicines except water. As per Avogadro’s number, they claim that there won’t be any molecules or atoms after the 12th dilution of homeopathic medicines. Hence they call homeopathy as placebo. But the recent study and research by Dr E S Rajendran proves that there are nanoparticles in Homeopathic potencies. He studied various homeopathic medicines of mineral as well as organic origin, using sophisticated machines, and found the presence of nanoparticles of various sizes and structure. His findings have been published in his book NANODYNAMICS.

The methodology in brief:

  • HRTEM (High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope) tested 45 samples of 12 drugs from minerals and metals.
  • FESEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope) with EDS (Energy Disperse Spectroscopy), tested 51 samples of 15 drugs from organic sources like plants.

Using the electron microscopes, samples were observed in magnifications like 1, 2, 10 micrometres, and 100, 200, 300 nm magnification, and found nano particles in 6c to CM potencies. He also compared the findings of ENA (Extra neutral alcohol) as a control, and found the absence of nano particles. So, only in homeopathic potencies he found the nano particles, which is very significant.

Drugs tested:

Various potencies of Natrum Mure, Aurum Met, Silicea, Ferrum Met, X- ray, Arsenic Alb, Iodum, lycopodium, Psorinum, Carbo veg, Carbo Animalis, Calcarea Carb, Nux Vomica, Argentum Met, water doses of Natrum Mure, and some combinations of homeopathic potencies. He also tested ENA as control.

About The book:

The book has got seven chapters, in which chapter one deals with the origin of nanoscience and the basic things related to the subject. Also given the basic aspects of the measurements used in nanotechnology, so that the readers who are not so familiar with nanoscience can understand this book. He has also mentioned about the basic aspects of homeopathy, origin and its development, along with preparation of homeopathic potencies, potency-drug strength chart, various scales and manufacturing methods of potencies ranging from 6 c to CM and LM potencies. So this book also caters the scientists and lovers of science who are not familiar with the Homeopathic mode of drug preparation. He has given general observation under each medicine tested, with elements weight percentage chart, nanoparticle size and structure, various potency with particle size chart, so the book is very user friendly. Properties of nano particles, categories of nanomaterials, and their classification on the basis of structure and shape such as Agglomerates, Clusters, Branched formation, Dancing particles are given in detail. The photographs of nanoparticles in all samples are given in this book. In his book he has mentioned 23 references and 145 sources of information under the bibliography, which itself show the sincere effort he took to make this study possible.

Inference from his work:

  • Potentization is nanofabrication discovered by Dr Hahnemann.
  • All Homeopathic potencies are having nano particles or Quantum dots (Quantum dots are nanoparticles smaller than 10 nm)
  • Particles of original drug substances found in all potencies.
  • Minerals and metals medicine produce nano particles smaller than quantum dots.
  • Nano particles/QDs present in homeopathic medicines can interact with DNA and surface receptors, resulting in cure of various ailments.
  • Nano medicine is the future medicine; hence homeopathy is the future medicine.


Hereby, I congratulate Dr E S Rajendran for his sincere effort and dedication for achieving this goal. Of course, there may be critical views and many doubts among you once you read his book. The tests have to be done repeatedly to see whether the structure of nanoparticles in two samples of the same medicine and potency, prepared from two pharmacies look same. Also there is a need to study the mode of action of nano particles on the DNA, and how the cure take place. Let’s hope that with the support of world homeopathic fraternity, and also the scientists, he will be giving us more details through further editions of this book.

Along with this book NANODYNAMICS, other books THE NUCLEUS, which is about Chronic Disease and Miasm, NEW LIGHT, it has Lectures on Homeopathy and Philosophy and the fourth one is THE RAY OF CIVILIZATION is about Philosophy, Science, Religion, Spirituality, Art & Literature, Evolutionary Genetics and Medicine. can be purchased online at Amazon.
All these books are must for all serious Homeopath who wants to learn and practice Homeopathy at Nano level because;

Potentization is nanofabrication discovered by Dr. Hahnemann.