Homeopathy Nano Science of 21st Century

“No Side Effects”

“Like Cure Like”

“Holistic way of Cure”

Dr. Josan’s

Holistic Health Center is not an Ordinary Homeopathic Clinic But a Mission toward Holistic Healing

We also have a learning centre for those who wish to learn about a healthy diet, benefits of Intermittent Fasting, usage of Living Water for Better Health, the importance of Sun-rays & Vitamin D3, the importance of Earthing is important for your Optimum Health, how Pawan works as Guru on a Planet Earth and inside our body and lasting about the real meaning of Guru, Naam & Religion.

Consult Today for

Natural Holistic

Healthcare Solutions

**Every new appointment is advised for 2 hours of consultation to discuss the problem and medical history associated with it.


Appointment Preferred, Sunday Closed

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